Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Movie titles can make or break a poster.  Today you're going to design the title for you poster.  First of all choose a font that you like.  Decide whether you want it to be all caps or lower and upper.  Choose the font color, bold, italics, shadow, etc.  Create another post on your blog with the title you have done.  This is not the finished piece I assure you.  Once this is done, then you will manipulate the type like you did the photos.  Think outside the box. Experiment with two or three different designs and also upload them into the same post as your original title. Here are a few suggestions that might give you some inspiration:
One letter a different color than the rest
Use a graphic as one of the letters
Break or cut the letters somehow
Fill the letters with a photograph
Use any of the tools we have discussed thus far - experiment
A graphic artist would work weeks possibly on designing a real movie poster.  Don't you think it should take you more than one class period.  Don't settle for something humdrum when you can create something totally awesome.  Need some inspiration?  Take a look at some of the movie titles I found online.

Good luck.

Mr. Hewett

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