Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Some of you did very well with yesterday's assignment involving the Lasso tool, Blending tool and the Clone tool while others had difficulties.  I'll admit most of the problems were technical coming from saving photos from Google Docs where I store my lessons.  Well today we're not using Google Docs.  Go to Google Images and import the picture of the cup and saucer into PhotoImpact.
Fill the cup with coffee, tea, milk, etc. using the Path Drawing Tools.  Click on the Oval.  You may need to unlock the padlock on the top tool bar in order to elongate the liquid so it will fit the cup.  Once finished, be sure to lock the pad lock back as it was.  Then go online and begin to import images into PhotoImpact that you want to include with the cup and saucer.  You can use the Lasso tool or the Clone tool or a combination of both.  Try to make these items look as natural as possible.  This may include using shadows or reflections.
Here is a quick picture I made.  Put as many things into the picture in order to make it top notch.

Good luck

Mr. Hewett

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